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A Naked Truth

I moved from the stage of liking the movies that feature strange characters to those of ordinary ones. Hence, I feel I'm getting older. Gone those days when I looked for the incomprehensible titles. Classic art was a turning point - this great concern of details, the deep simplicity and the ability to catch the right dramatic point. Just finished watching A Woman With Substance, it's not the best example of what I'm talking about. The Go Between is.

Few years ago I would be ashamed if I was to watch a Hollywood movie. I used to say 'I don't like Hollywood movies but' before telling somebody I'd watched or about to watch one. But now I find them quite good products of an industry with its own rules. A would be flatmate in one of the flats I showed interest in today loved American series. This is still too hard to my taste, but I don't mind sharing a flat with him. That's how radical I was. I wouldn't do this in my European Cinema phase.

I watched Anatomy From Hell a week ago. I found it more of a presentation than a movie. I think I wouldn't see it again, despite the fact that it showed great deal of woman body, something I have to remind myself of from time to time.

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A Heavenly Matter?

I'm back to writing in cafe's. Something in me is missing though. I cant keep the habit of writing everyday as I used to. My mind is grinding ideas, and then it loses them. None is big enough to make a body.

Today I worked on my book, Life is More Beautiful Than Paradise. It was published 7 years ago in Arabic then translated into 4 European languages but not in English. As a person who lives and works in Britain it means a lot to me to have the book published in English. I rewrote it (in Arabic of course). It seems it's still not up to be put into print. 2 publishers turned it down. I don't know if it would have better chances if I were able to write in English. It seems to me I still have got a lot to learn about writing. It's good though to listen to people's comments, and good to dive into the pool. It's the only way to learn swimming. By the way, I learnt swimming when I was 30 years old. Maybe in few years, when I'm 40, I would learn to write a good book.

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Gods in Dispute

After my last IPod was stolen, only a month after I'd bought it, I thought I would not be able to spend a day without it. Internet, digital radio then I pod are 3 major steps for the man in the way to find God - him/herself.

But then it's been almost 3 weeks since my Holy Book was stolen by the person on the Left Cross. What use could they make of it? It's not Saladin's sword that matters, it's his heart and his shoulder. The problem is I know where I lost it. The Movie I saw in Renoir at that evening was not a console, a Romanian movie. Something like 67 East. I called the cinema once I left, I told a girl where I was exactly sitting, where I lost my ladder to my heaven. She asked me to call her back in 5 minutes. But the cinema's telephone died before I heard the girl's voice again.

today I decided to go and buy another heart enhancer, 80 G for 160 pounds plus an FM radio accessory. I'm a bit hesitant though. My God and the Market God in dispute. I'm sure who will win. Spendind is, for me, a kind of loss that gives a sense of power. My God needs it.

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I smoke my first cigarette at 9 pm, as usual, I slept on the sofa once I'd finished it, jsut to wake up ten minutes later to the buzz of my flat. I thought I was dreaming. On the second buzz, I thought there was something wrong. Then I heard knocking on my door. It was Ken, my landlord, with a woman in grey coat and boots by his side. 'Sorry Khaled,' Ken said, 'I tried to speak to you on the phone but your phone was switched off.' He went on, 'do you mind the lady see the flat.' I didn't mind although the flat itself was a shame. I threw things to the floor when I was looking for my wallet yesterday. The woman who would pay 25 pounds more than me and take the flat promised she wouldn't look at my personal stuff. Actually I had nothing to be keen on hiding.

They started with the open plan lounge and kitchen. The main light in the bed room wasn't working. I switched the bedside lamp on. Half of my cloths was on the airer in that room, plus a mountain bike and a folding one. I've got another hybrid bike that I store in the garage of my ex. I sat down on the arm of the sofa until they finished. That's one of the things I hate the most in moving flats - having people popping up any time to view it. It's like being inspected by trainee doctors. Even when I was one before I switched to journalism I hated inspecting patients. It's like adding unnecessary pain to their agony. Besides, I don't like people. I really fear strangers. My ex used to say that I was somewhere within the autistic spectrum. Where? That's the question I keep asking my self. I don't argue the fact but need to know where. I even hate talking to companies on the phone. When I say hate I mean it. I do hate, get anxious, and keep postpone it. It's not the same when I do journalism. Maybe it relates to the nature of relationship. Being investigated, however minimally, is horrible. It turns me agressive, waiting behind a wall for the right moment to attack before someone attacks me.

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Set Your Interest

Today we moved to the third floor. Who are we? Yeah, the team at work. It should've meant we started the real work on the real system, problems of the training period on the second floor should've been almost over. One of our colleagues said 'don't worry everything would be ok when we go to fourth floor.'

From the trird floor you see nothing; a brwon house is so close to our work place that you can shake hands with a naked person coming smiling out of a hot shower. There was no shake hands. Actualy no shaking for a very very long time.

The only thing that matters, and you can only see it if you lay down on the ground in the far right hand corner is conical-shaped minaret (I don't know the right word) of a nearby churh. It's very pointed. Lay, Wedge: what composition could one do of these 2 words?

I had 2 half-pints of beer during the break. I don't usually look sad. You get it, I do these days. My land lord wants to get the rent raised by 50 pounds. I'll have to leave soon. Could I share? I don't think so, I'm so accustomed to be alone and do things whenever I want to. Why sould interest rate rise now?! Sit. Sit. Take your time.

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gustave courbet - Google Image Search

gustave courbet - Google Image Search

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Gordon Brown and his ‘copycat’ speech - Times Online

Gordon Brown and his ‘copycat’ speech - Times Online

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Prematures and Stillborns

Today is too cold for late September. Winter's come earlier, the man or radio 4 said. But safe and sound it is, unlike other premature things. As a child I liked Summer, hot Summer in my native country, Egypt. It's stillborn in London. Other dreams are stillborn. Today I lost my wallet, I mislaid it. I had to go to my first class of Modern Art. So, I went to the nearby Iraqi grocerer and borrowed 20 pounds to buy a ticket. On my way in the tube kept reading Atonement. Good novel indeed. Gordon Brown has been accused of giving a copy cat speech in Labour Conference. It doesn't matter. He keeps mentioning that his father was a minister in a church. OK. Good for you, but don't over capitulise on it. I like the man, he is less of a show man. But he should stop being a serious clown. A funny clown is admirable, a serious clown is disgusting. A nursing clown is pitiful. That's David Cameron. I'm not in the mood of writing. I want to go to bed early tonight. Good Night.

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I had been a member of Al-Gamaa Al-Islamia for 6 yeas starting 1986. I joined them when I was 14 years old, and with them I spent my whole adolescence. The overwhelming majority of my brothers in the group were at the same age period. This group was responsible for killing of former Egyptian president Anwar Assadat in 1981 and the former speaker of parliament Rifaat Almahgoub in early nineties. A dissident faction of the group was responsible for Luxor massacre in which 57 people were killed in 1997. I wrote a book about my experience with the group titled Life is More Beautiful than Paradise.


The degree of one's belief in God is not a static thing, the young Islamist was told: it increases when you obey God and decreases when you disobey him. The impression you come up with is that, as a believer, a young man in your teens, your relationship with god is tenser than an adult's one is. It vibrates all the time. Don't take it for granted, your brothers in God would tell you, it might tear apart. The more they tell you that the more you’re vigilant, cautious and aware of yourself. What might go wrong? Your innocent mind would ask. Who hates to be close to God? Nobody does. The whole issue of faith appears to be a linear line upwards. But it is not, you are warned, there is a big obstacle. Your body is born to sin. You inherited desires in every cell of your body. ‘Eye fornicates,’ the prophet says. ‘It does by sight.’ Ear fornicates, he adds. It does this by hearing. And they are not the only organs in the list. Each one of them is a potential obstacle in your way to God.

No doubt. This is right. It doesn't need a proof. Your eyes look at things they mustn't look at. Your tongue says words it mustn't say. Your stomach receives drinks and solids it mustn't receive. Your feet walk to places they mustn't go to. And the worst of all is your genitals. It looks like a lost battle. How could you defeat all those enemies? Is there a way out?

Yes of course, there always is in the kingdom of justice. You have to tame this container of potential sins, to weaken it and hold its keys.

The prophet Mohamad used to stay up praying the whole night until his feet turned sore. The prophet David used to fast one day and eat the next (Don’t mention the army leader’s wife tale here. It’s not in Islam. All prophets in the non-Israeli prophet’s teachings are infallible). Prophets, our examples, kept their bodies away from thinking of desires and sins. They kept bombarding them the whole time and let them be in the defensive. Otherwise bodies would have hit back. Try it. Relax for some time and let your body dictate what it wants and it will think only of sins. The adolescent I was did not doubt it. Women in life and movies, music and bad friends were everywhere around me. Dirt is everywhere of this mortal body. The more the young man tried to cleanse it the more it proved hard for him to win the battle and the more he knew how formidable his enemy was. The battlefield, your body, is a homeland for dirt. And the battle became the militant’s obsession in life and – his life became an endless battle. Gains were over himself, and losses were to himself. When the young man was victorious he was encouraged to go a step farther and when he lost he was a furious fighter, aggressive to himself and others.

However, the reward has been always there. In the thereafter he was promised what an eye had never seen and what an ear had never heard of and what had never come to a mind of a human being. This wasn’t everything, in the current life there was also a reward. If he won he would be chosen among the elite of the army of God, those were the potential martyrs. Those would be allowed to cut their lives short and get rid of the weight of body without being punished for killing themselves or others.

For it is a very high position to be a God’s suicidal or homicidal, very few could be chosen. And this is done through a rigorous selection process. Panelled it is by people who consider themselves inspired by God. They examine everything, your height, fitness and stamina. But, first of all, your purity, your inner eligibility to be one of the righteous killers. And the first sign of this eligibility is to win the first battle, in the closest battlefield – your body.

I had always been awaiting for this reward, so were, assumingly, all my comrades. Then, a glimpse of hope had come for me.


I was 17 when I first met one of Al-Gamaa’s top leaders – who were serving life sentence in jail for their roles in assassinating late president Sadat. I went to visit them in my town’s prison when they were brought in there to allow them to do their university exams. Asem Abdel-Maged was thirty something, North African black, with a friendly face in spite, or because, of his dense beard. He had a wide smile. A mutual ‘brother’ introduced me. The leader shook hands and said, ‘tall and wide’ – a saying in Egypt that means fit. Then he looked me in the eye and asked, ‘are you a good runner?’ I replied positively. He smiled: ‘good. Good.’

I thought this meant I was considered for future jihadist operations, not least because I would be now introduced to the top of the top – Karam Zuhdi. A lot of heroic tales had I already known about him. One thing I’d definitely take the taste of, his foxy glance. Brothers said it searched any one he met. He must search me then and give them the final approval, I thought. But he was too busy to give me a screening look, he hardly shook hands and welcomed me, then he turned to his other visitor to resume a conversation I, now embarrassingly, interrupted.

I realised Asem was only joking. Yet I didn’t give up hope of being selected for the ultimate prize.

A week later I welcomed to my home a rather surprising visitor, a man who was shot 13 times in the leg before being arrested and jailed for two months. This horrifying experience doesn’t change anything in him, except for limping, which became the strongest thing in his physique.

He chatted with me over general subjects. At one point he asked me how I saw the progress of the Islamic mission. I seized the chance to talk about how I saw my future – a martyr for this mission. He listened to me politely, showed a superficial interest that I interpreted as an expected behaviour from a trained operational man.

He visited me again, only one more time.

Not yet. The panel had still not chosen me. There must have been battles to fight with my body.

I must have had to look deep inside. There, only there, it should have been reasons why I was still not worthy of being selected by this experienced panellist. My body’s brain still had questions and suspicions that made it unworthy of fast track paradise. For instance, I once asked a more experienced brother about the fate of people who were killed in collateral damage. They would go to God according to their intentions, he said. God knew our essence, no doubt, and we shortened the testing time for them. A man is born with his fate had been already decided. How could a man who hoped to be one of the winning elite have had such a confusing question in his mind?

I should have known beforehand that winning elite had not only won the battle for themselves. Their bodies were not tools for only their own wonderful fate, but also for the good fate of others. We were a clan who took people to paradise tighten in chains, one of the prophet companions said.

I wished the selection process of the elite had been easier. To be one of the elite required absolute and doubtless belief in the rightness of your mission, both for you and for those who would be affected by your deeds.

And not only had my brain not been tamed enough. I would assess myself.

I’d had in the building opposite my flat on the second floor a family who lived in the first floor. There were 3 girls in that family, one of them was 3 years older than me and one was the same age. From my early adolescence, before I joined the group, the elder one was my fantasy. She used not to take me seriously as an 11 year old kid. Hence she didn’t intend to be cautious that our flat overlooked theirs. By the age I joined the group when I was 14 her younger sister had already been a big girl. For five years on, I hadn’t been able to tame my eyes. I used to spend our voyeuring from behind the shutters of my room’s window. Since body is an aggressive enemy, this loss of eyes’ battle was followed by another loss – I touched my body.

But, on the other hand, having diagnosed my illness, I wouldn’t surrender. I took a pledge on myself to keep on fighting. I worked hard to raise my standard of obedience of God’s orders. At a point I managed to win a battle.

For three moths that followed my being able to recite the whole book of Quran (which is such an achievement itself that I accomplished when I was almost 19) I didn’t spy on my neighbours. Even when I was alone at home, I never switched TV on to steal some glances at women on it. I never overslept and missed dawn prayers (3 O’clock in the morning) for more than 40 consecutive days, which meant devil no longer urinated in the hearing pieces of my body – ears – to prevent me waking up to the call for prayers.

I felt lighter and more transparent. For three consecutive days I did nothing other than praying and reading in a big volume book about the life of Prophet Mohammad. When I finished the book at the early hours of day, when the sun had just risen, I went to sleep. And I had a night dream.

I saw myself praying in a mosque. I thought that was a very good sign, then told the dream to one of my brothers who was talented in interpreting them. He told me I would be jailed soon.

Don’t get too superstitious here, please. A week later I was indeed jailed.

It was both bad and good news. Bad for obvious reasons. The good part of it was that I passed the preliminary test with body temptation and was moving to another higher temptation/test that involved it but in a different way. I would be taken away from sights of sins and put between four walls that didn’t belong to the openness of mundane battles of eyes and ears.

However, for my disappointment the good news was not as good as I’d thought.

I found out later that the preliminary battle I thought I’d won was far from over, that the ‘higher-degree’ test came prematurely.


In prison, in one of those totally dark cells where we spent the first ten days before we were moved to a recognised prison, my cellmates and I were chatting over what the interrogators had just asked each one of us about when an inmate mentioned that he was asked if he took part in what was called Youm Al-Ribat, (Al-Ribat means trenching for the battle). I’d had no clue about this before. What did it mean? I asked. Another inmate told me it was a day of fasting followed by a whole night of standing prayers, attended by a carefully selected group of brothers. Those brothers were able to challenge their bodies, fasted the whole day then resisted sleeping, let alone resting, the whole night. Did you attend one of them? I asked again. Yes, he replied modestly, only once.

I envied him. I thought when this stage had been reached it meant one thing: The enemy was there no more for him, at least that this was the assessment of big brothers, the same people who didn’t choose me. I was certain that the next step for him would be a far higher degree. He would be one of the Mujahdeen, who opted to offer their bodies as tools in the fight for God. I also realised, having not achieved this, I was far away.

It had haunted me ever since that I was a failure. When we were moved from the interrogating place to the real prison in Cairo I meant not to be with this potential martyr in the same cell. The sight of him, the voice of him kept reminding me that I was a failure, that I would be alive for more time fighting the mundane battles of my body and might even lose in the end.


The process of taming one's body is a long one. You can’t shortcut the route to paradise by suicidal attacks. This was the basic line of the group I worked with. You can go to a fight in which the possibility was overwhelming that you would be killed, provided that you were taking every chance to prevent this from happening. But it was absolutely not acceptable to do a death operation, one that you killed yourself to achieve.

Then something had changed. Death became cheaper in the market. It did not even deserve a question of three letters - WHY? Some of our brothers were assassinated by police.

At this stage we moved a step further from our basic line. The only suicide operation I had come through when I was a member in the most militant group of Islamists in Egypt happened around this time. It was meant to kill the notorious Egyptian interior minister Zaki Badr, but it failed. Both the Egyptian government and al-Gamaa al-Isalmia were complacent in their avoidance to talk about it, to the extent that its executer was released without any charge, although he was caught near the scene of the small explosion with the remains of the explosive material were still in the car. Both parties realised how dangerous the turn was. The potential martyr was called The Living Martyr within the group.

This operation was important, first of all, because of the message it conveyed: if we were being killed anyway let our death had a price.

The group that I belonged to didn't do more suicide attacks; most probably for operational difficulties. But the damage had been done. Islamic militancy moved a step forward, breaking even one of its own taboos.

When, later, Al-Gamaa Al-Isalmia’s members were caught in thousands and put into jail (No reliable information here. Some people put the number of Islamists jailed without trial in Egypt to 40 000 and officials say no more than 4000) the Egyptian government portrayed its ability to control the situation as a story of success, a lesson to the rest of the world. It was. But it was first and foremost a lesson to the rest of Islamists: their bodies should be more useful than mere defiant receivers of torture and mistreatment. And what had been once a taboo, and later, a single failed operation, became a commonplace, an every-day headline – suicide attacks.

The idea of suicide attacks is a brilliant yet cruel combination of materialist and religious thinking. By this I mean an equation that has been given to bodies as goods. What we exactly have got now is a piece of arms, intelligent as it could be, able to destroy tens of folds of its value, able to choose the target, plan how to reach it and maximise the damage. In one phrase: it is a Self-sufficient intelligent weapon. It looks like a science fiction movie in which the invented weaponry acquires the look of the target and gains its trust before it blows it up. It is able to surprise, deceive and spoil all our calculations that rely on the basic human instinct, the instinct of survival. This is the materialist, modernist part of the combination. At the same time it has an arrogant religious component that gives the culprit a claimed moral high-ground over victims. The latter are looked at as masses of goods owned by someone who is the real target.

I left the Islamic Group, and was exposed to what mortals are usually done to – failures, betrayals and losses. Simply, I found that it took you to be totally bored, and absolutely disappointed, of life to kill yourself.

Well, not for Islamic militants who, now, look at it as the ultimate act of purification.


In few situations, a Muslim man is obliged to have a religious wash up (you can trace it back to baptism but, as always in Islam, you don’t need a superior person to do it for you): when he enters the religion, after he ejaculates, and before he goes to pilgrimage (visits house of God on earth). A woman is additionally obliged to do so after her monthly menstruation and after birth or abortion. When a Muslim dies they have their body washed up for them, to be ready for meeting God.

There are other occasions when it’s favoured that they have this religious wash up: before Friday prayers and, more interestingly for us here, if they are going for Jihad since there is a considerable probability they get killed.

Religious washing up comprises washing head and face, then washing the right half of chest and abdomen and the front of right arm then the right half of back and arm. It goes to the front again to wash the left half and arm then the left half of back and arm. The front of right thigh then the back of it also comes before the front and back of left thigh. The same goes to legs and feet. It’s not favoured to cut your nails or hair before obligatory wash up – there is uncleanliness (janaba) under each single hair.

One of the stories we used to be told as young militants was that of a prophet’s recently married companion who was having sex with his wife when he heard the call for jihad. ‘He stood up away from his wife’s belly,’ a preacher would say, ‘and answered the call for jihad.’ He was killed. The prophet told his companions that he saw the man being washed up by angels.

A body of a martyr is the only intact body that could be buried without being washed up – by giving up their lives they have already washed out the dirt of life and the dirt of their deeds in it.

An ‘accidental’ martyr is perfectly clean and pure. However, never is he so as much as one of the deliberate martyrs, those who know beforehand what they are doing and, hence, have time to ensure their bodies are double-timing clean.

To sum up this picture of pure killer, all what you have to do to turn your body from an enemy to an intelligent tool is to cleanse it from the dirt. As you’ve cleansed it from the metaphysical dirt, go cleanse it from the physical dirt as well. Hence, the advice of Mohamad Atta to his companion in the last night before flying planes in World Trade Centre, killing around 3000 people is: “The previous night, shave the extra hair from the body. Pray.’ In one phrase: Clean and kill. (Don’t we clean weapons before using them?)

Now, the martyr’s body, his old enemy, his tool, is eligible to act solely under its own leadership. It is able to fly a plane into a tower.


One of the best phrases religious people use in defending their dear beliefs is ‘this is not religious’ – Islamic, Christian etc.

It is a phrase that I love to avoid, because each single belief, in the end, manifests itself by what its followers do, at least for others who don’t know a lot about it. Nevertheless, I would say that mutilating dead bodies is not, as far as I’m concerned, Islamic. That’s what I learnt even with the militant group I have been with. They used to say that God ordered the prophet Mohamad in one occasion to, only, kill his prisoners of war, and that this order is restricted to this specific event, being the first ever battle between Muslims and Koffar (infedils). It didn’t even happen that the prophet killed them; he rather chose to have each of them taught 70 Muslims how to write and read in order to be released. Others paid ransoms. But the order came in the shape of blame from God who wanted the prophet instead to kill them to terrorise his enemies so that they didn’t attack Muslims again. The order has been abolished since. It has become ‘mansoukh’ according to Islamic terminology.

But, why do militant Islamic groups now kill their ‘prisoners’ in a savage way and show this on cameras?

The image – according to what I argued in this article – of a militant’s self reflects on others, at the same level the dialectique has reached (for example islamists didn’t use to do kill hostages on TV that frequently 10 years ago, more over, one of the messages claimed to be sent from Al-Zwahiri, the second man in Al-Qaeda to Al-Zarqawi who represented until his death a new phase in militancy, carried and advice from the elder Islamist to Al-Zarqawi not to show slaughtering hostages on cameras. It literally advised that ‘a bullet could do.’) This self-image reflection is one reason, I think, why today militants deliberately show their ‘prisoners’ being killed and mutilated. They saw them as mere tools, weaponry in the fight against them. Those killed might simply be ordinary Muslims as well as enemy soldiers. This is a specific ‘reason’.

The other reason, in my opinion, is not totally separate, yet it is a general one. It relates to image of war in our age. Technology has helped man show his worst instincts and optimal degradation of the other’s body. World War One was shock to human race, it combined mass killing weaponry with, still, direct confrontation. Yet, its effect was more or less restricted to people who lived the experience. Then came cities’ wars in the World War 2, and more people were subject to the horror leading up to mass murder by Nazis, mass destructive weaponry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mass destructive bombardment of Dresden, all accompanied by documented live pictures. Then came technology of communication, our ethical reference in Post Modernist age, which guaranteed that every single person on earth live the experience. Shock and Awe in Iraq reported live in every household, and even bloody action movies, have all changed the way we look at our bodies..

Middle Easterners, I’m proudly one of them, lived a double experience that was unique to them – live pictures of devastating attacks on Baghdad, followed by a smiley western face describing success. On the other end, Al-Jazeera and local stations are showing dead, disfigured bodies here and there.

Communication highlighted a missing link. What do I mean?

It created some sort of defensive image for militants: ‘when you see these pictures you think we are not there, we don’t count. Now, we are telling you, we are there, it’s you who don’t count.’

Once the image of slaughtering another person is desensitised, it doesn’t matter later who the original target was. A militant mind goes farther, it slaughters every body it thinks doesn’t count – regardless race, religion or affiliation.

When I was a young member of Al-Gamaa Al-Islamia, my colleagues and I were shown pictures of ‘massacres’ done to Muslims in Afghanistan, Palestine and later in Bosnia. It was a very effective tool in recruitment and radicalisation. These pictures were also restricted to us; they were not shown on TV’s. There were no satellite channels back then. We used to think it’s for our own privilege, that they made us the truly informed people, the knowledgeable ones of the bare truth that others didn’t know. We used to think if others had known what we had they would’ve chosen the path we had. We were not able to convey the message because of limited resources, a video in a mosque or a description of what we came to know in a microphone. We did not dream of what technology had for us.

And now, communication has the entire job of radicalisation to do at a finger tip. It has had so much effect on us, that communicative man becomes either a potential killer or a potential victim.


How weird and philosophically disturbing this dichotomy of punishment/reward is in our lives. As religious people, killing oneself is the worst thing one can do in their life, next worst is killing another person. God curse is the judgement in the thereafter and capital punishment is the judgement in life. But, on the other hand, killing oneself and others might turn to be the best thing to do when you do it in obedience to God’s, or one of his spokespeople’s, order. A fast track to the highest level in paradise is the judgement in thereafter, and honouring in life is the guaranteed reward.

Just remember that, with a very little difference, this is the case with secular patriotism. Half the statues around you are of killers, some of them for just reasons but the other some are not.

In July and august 2007, I covered as a journalist the so called the war between Israel and Hezballah. I had the rare chance of being on both frontiers during the same war. The real losers have as always been ordinary people paying the price of conflicts they have nothing to do with, while the wagers of war use phrases like ‘casualties including women and children’ to portray cruelty of their enemies. The sad fact of the matter is that such a phrase is a joke. In our modern life a woman is a soldier and even a child could be a soldier or a shield. Fighters who are shelling the other side from civilian areas, and others who target civilian areas all know that ‘women and children’ will be among casualties. There is no sanctuary for any kind of body. The nobility of old time wars has no place in the cruelty of our age of intelligent weapons.

All bodies are enemies. All bodies are weaponry. All bodies are targets.

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I was a member of one of the most militant groups in Egypt, Al-Gamaa Al-Islamia. My acquaintance with my brothers in the group started when I was 14 years old and lasted for six years. It took me then 5 years more to start to understand why I left the group but more and more years to understand why I joined them in the first place.

Nearly a year after I joined them I was on a holiday in my father’s village in Upper Egypt, a quiet place that I used to love when I was little boy. As a child, I used to go around playing football from 7 O’clock in the morning until the sunset then sit down chatting with my friends under the clear sky with thousands of stars shining over our heads. Stories about ghosts and haunted places were fascinating, so were the stories about girls and invented adventures. The day my family returned to my city every year was tragic.

But not this time.

During that particular visit, the first after I joined the group, I found out that I still had a part of my heart occupied with my love of playing football and having fun. I started even thinking whether I wanted to stay with the group or to return to my normal life. And this gave me fear. On the one hand, I loved my new brothers so much that I wasn’t able to imagine life without them, without this sense of being protected, of belonging, of being a candle in a huge holy project to spread the holy light all over the world. On the other hand, I realised that I wasn’t yet up to the mission which required its people to be whole-heartedly dedicated to it. The first sign of this dedication as I had been taught over the previous year was to love God, the prophet and your god brothers with every single cell in your heart.

One might think: why didn’t I just keep the two sorts of love? But this is not the case. ‘God,’ a verse in Quran says, ‘never gives a man two hearts.’ It means according to my god brothers that, in matters of love, you always have to choose in order to be a good believer. Another verse of Quran says: ‘people who believe in God and the Thereafter never love those who are the enemies of God.’ And my brothers defined the enemies of God as all those who don’t believe truly in Him. ‘Even,’ according to the next verse, if those others were our ‘parents, brothers or clan.’ Any activity that distracts you from thinking of God is condemned according to the Prophet Mohamad, my brothers told me.

Then I had to decide where I truly stood in the matter of love. Was my heart full with love of God, or was there still a space for other earthly things? With a heart and mind of a child aged 15 I decided and acted swiftly. I cut my holiday and returned to my city and my brothers.

So, my love test started with my friends and my beloved football games but didn’t stop there. Over the following years with the group I had to abandon this strong link with my close relatives in a society which worshipped family ties. I had an uncle who worked with police, time after time I asked myself: would I agree to kill him if I was ordered to do so for the sake of God? When I thought of myself as a true believer the answer was yes, not because I hated him, actually I loved this particular person more than the rest of my uncles, but because I sincerely loved God and I was ready to do anything to prove this love. At least, that’s what I thought.

In order for outsiders to understand this they have to familiarise themselves with the concept of “Love and Hatred in God”. This means that you love people because you think that God loves them, and you hate people for no personal reasons but because you think God does.

The sombre appearances of people with beards, together with the cruel acts they execute, hide the fact that they put so much effort in the issue of love. Plenty of my leaders back in Egypt modestly kissed my hands whenever I did something good. At the time when I was only a teenager and they were heroes. Those heroes sat down with people of my age to ask about ordinary things that even a family might forget to discuss. And I loved them so much that even a thought of living without them was now out of question.

Tests of love went on and on. And the obsession of love got bigger and bigger. It moved from examining your relationship with people and things close to you, to examine your position in the whole world according to the code of love you followed. The sign of God being in every cell of your heart is an irresistible desire to spread his word with all means possible, with all sacrifice required, knowing that He is watching you. This is our mission in life, and it’s driven by love not hatred. But, unfortunately, the whole love space in your heart is devoted to your brothers and your cause as this is the manifestation of true love of God and the Prophet. Unfortunately, you are blind to any other sort of love. Unfortunately, you are blind to any misgivings within this love; any damage to peoples’ lives, well being or even their existence is a trivial collateral damage.

If we search ourselves we find out that all of us have experienced this damaging sort of love once or more in our lives, though in much smaller scale. It might be on a personal level, when loving someone makes us unable to think clearly. It might be for patriotic reasons when loving our country closes our eyes to real justice. It might be for ideological reasons when loving some sort of text turns red words into golden ones. The problem with me and my fellow god brothers was that we had all these might-be’s in one dose at one time.

Whenever I hear people in the media talk about hate groups, or hate preaching, I realise that this message wouldn’t reach the militants. That’s what happened to me when I was one of them. I dismissed this as mere ignorance. I believed that when they talked about hate groups they didn’t mean me because I was full of love and full of tenderness. I cried for humanity that was misguided and misled, and for people who needed me to take them by hand to the shore of safety and holy content. And I felt myself obliged to do so because God had occupied my whole heart.

Prophet Mohamad was once talking to his disciple Omar; he told him that one couldn’t be a true believer unless they loved him more than they loved their properties, their sons and themselves. Omar told the prophet he loved him more than his properties and his sons but himself. The prophet repeated his statement and so did Omar. After some silence Omar said to the prophet that he loved him more than his properties, his sons and even himself. The prophet said, “Now, now, Omar.”

And now, the year 1990, the young man who 3 years earlier needed to struggle with himself in order to prefer being with the Islamic group to playing football, was taking another decision easily. Egypt qualified for the World Cup for the first time in 56 years but the young man didn’t even waste 2 hours watching the first game against Holland. And when the game became the obsession of the nation after Egypt managed to equalise with the Dutch, he didn’t watch the next two games against Ireland and England.

A year later, I was arrested then jailed for a very short period of six weeks. The first ten days in an unofficial detention centre were horrible, that I thought I was not going to see life outside the high walls of the prison again. There, I started thinking of very little and distant memories, of relatives and friends I hadn’t seen for years and most of all of my mother and my infant nephew. I realised that I still loved them. That they still had a place in my heart. The first thing I did when I was moved to another official prison was sending a message to my mother. I told her that I loved her and my family and that I was sorry because I totally neglected them. I didn’t mean at all that I was leaving the group, I was just trying to condole my family, but a word was spread in the prison that I was sending lots of letters to my family. The brother who collected the letters gave one of mine to a group leader in the same jail. A few days later I received a letter from him telling me that If I had thought that I was able to succeed in my study that year as I promised my family I would’ve been mistaken. He had known by then that I was sacked for one year from university where I studied medicine, something that I hadn’t known yet.

I didn’t leave the group after I came out of jail, but two things happened. First, I sued my university and won the case then managed to pass the exams of that year. Second, I became sure that I had other things in life that I loved, and my love of these things got also bigger and bigger. It’s never one love again for me, and it’s never one truth.

Read more!

قاعدة الطرابيش في بلاد المناقيش

هل فتح الإسلام تمت بصلة إلى القاعدة؟ سؤال تداوله اللبنانيون حين ظهر اسم فتح الإسلام في الساحة. وتردد بشكل أكبر، وعلى مستويات أوسع من لبنان حين حدثت المواجهة بين الجماعة والجيش اللبناني في مخيم نهر البارد في طرابلس. وكعادة كل شيء في لبنان، كانت الإجابة سياسية، نفيا وقبولا، لكي تخدم أغراض اتجاه سياسي ما. مع غيبة لتحليل موضوعي تحتاج إليه بيروت بشدة لكي تعرف كيف تتصرف مع هؤلاء.

من سأشير إليه بـ "محدثي" هنا هو شخص ممن سموا يوما "الأفغان العرب". شباب سافروا من مختلف الدول العربية إلى أفغانستان لكي يكونوا الصف الأمامي لقتال الاتحاد السوفييتي. بدعم من حكومات دول عربية والقوة العظمى الأخرى في ذلك الوقت، الولايات المتحدة.

عراب الانتقال وقتها كان الشيخ عبد الله عزام. فلسطيني من أنصار فكرة عالمية النضال الإسلامي، وإسلامية المعركة في فلسطين المحتلة، على اعتبار أن إقامة دولة إسلامية مجاهدة في بقعة من بقاع الأرض سيكون قاعدة لإحياء "الصحوة الإسلامية" في العالم الإسلامي بأثره، وذلك هو الكفيل يوما ما باسترجاع "أرض الإسلام السليبة". وعن طريق هذا العراب ذهب محدثي "للقيام بأعمال إغاثة إسلامية"، كما ذهب آخرون من بينهم مثلا "أبو عائشة"، الإسلامي المتشدد الذي قتل أثناء مواجهات الضنية عام 1999. وهو غادر أفغانستان، كما غادرها أبو عائشة، عام 1989، لكنه على عكس الإسلامي القتيل الذي عاش في دولة غربية هي كندا فإن "محدثي" عاد إلى دولة عربية قبل أن يعود إلى بلده. ومن بلده تابع الحركة الإسلامية وكان فردا فيها، وشارك في مواجهة مع قوات الأمن كانت نتيجتها إصابته في قدمه.

هل تعتقد أن فتح الإسلام على علاقة بالقاعدة؟ سألت محدثي.

كانت إجابته قاطعة. لا تردد فيها. وأن بصوت أخفض من صوته الذي خاطبني به من قبل، فالموضوع بالنسبة له هنا محسوم بصورة لا حاجة معها إلى رفع الصوت سبيلا إلى توصيل الفكرة، على العادة الخطابية لدى الأصوليين. "القاعدة لن تكرر خطأها الاستراتيجي في العراق".

وما هو الخطأ الاستراتيجي الذي ارتكبته القاعدة في العراق؟ استوضحت.

"أنها لحقت بأبو مصعب الزرقاوي بدل أن تقوده". أبو مصعب من وجهة نظر محدثي كان يشعر دائما أنه زعيم. وما قاله محدثي ليس معلومة جديدة. فمسار أبو مصعب الزرقاوي ثابت فيه خلافه مع أسامة بن لادن ثبوتا قطعيا. خلاف جعل أبو مصعب ينتقل إلى شمال العراق ليؤسس جماعة جديدة. كما أن المراسلات بينه وبين الرجل الثاني في القاعدة "أيمن الظواهري"، تثبت أنه كان يعرض إعلان الولاء لزعيم القاعدة "أسامة بن لادن" مقايضا ذلك بإقراره على استراتيجيته "للجهاد في العراق" والتي تشمل إلى جانب مقاومة الأمريكيين محاربة شيعة العراق الذين رأى أنهم تحالفوا مع الأمريكيين.

لكن الظواهري أظهر في رسالة منه إلى الزرقاوي أنه لا يزال معترضا على مثل هذه المواجهة من باب أنه لا حاجة لفتح جبهات جديدة. وتساءل مستنكرا "فلماذا الهجوم على عوام الشيعة؟... وهل حاولت أي دولة إسلامية في التاريخ ذلك؟" وفي الرسالة نفسها تساءل لماذا لم يقدم أهل السنة في تاريخهم على تدمير مراقد الأئمة. كما اعترض الظواهري أيضا على مشاهد ذبح الرهائن، معتبرا أن القتل بالرصاص يؤدي الغرض. وقال لأبو مصعب: "لا يغرنك ثناء بعض الشباب المتحمس ووصفهم لكم بشيخ الذباحين وما أشبه..."

ويرى محدثي هنا أن نوعا من المساومة حدث، فالقاعدة من جانبها رأت أن أبو مصعب حقق إنجازات في العراق أرادت أن تنسب إليها. في حين أن أبو مصعب قدم تنازلا في موضوع الشيعة حين أعلن عن استثناء جيش المهدي من الهجمات عليه. على اعتبار أنه يطالب بخروج "الاحتلال".

في تلك الفترة، تحول اسم جماعة الزرقاوي من "التوحيد والجهاد" إلى "قاعدة الجهاد في بلاد الرافدين". وهو تعميد رسمي، لكنه جاء قبل أن يعلن الزرقاوي الالتزام الكامل بما أرادته القاعدة. وهذا، من وجهة نظر محدثي، خطأ، لكنه يضيف أنه لم يكن كل شيء. لأن إيران ضغطت على جيش المهدي لكي يثبت ولاءه وإلا قضي عليه. وسافر آية الله علي السيستاني إلى لندن في رحلة قيل إنها كانت للعلاج لكي يرفع الغطاء عن جيش المهدي المحاصر وقتها في الكوفة. ولاحقا، حسب نظرة الأصولي السني الذي أنقل عنه هنا، تمادى جيش المهدي في الهجمات على السنة لكي يثبت أنه المدافع عن الشيعة في العراق.

يطرح محدثي هذا السياق العراقي وصولا إلى أن القاعدة رأت ما حدث في العراق ولا تريد تكراره في دولة أخرى مثل لبنان.

في الوقت الحالي، يتعرض تنظيم القاعدة في العراق إلى مواجهة مع جماعات سنية. تختلف التقديرات حول حجمها وأهدافها وجهات تمويلها، لكنها موجودة. والسبب الذي يسوقه من أعلنوا هذه الحرب على القاعدة هو أن الاستراتيجية التي أرساها الزرقاوي من استهداف عراقيين عادت عليهم بالوبال وحرفتهم عن الطريق الطبيعي في مواجهة الاحتلال. وحتى لو صح أن الجماعات السنية تلك تعمل مع الأمريكيين فإن ذلك يعني أن استراتيجية الزرقاوي فتحت للأمريكيين ثغرة دخلوا منها إلى الحصول على حلفاء جدد، ومؤثرين – ولو حتى معنويا – في حربهم مع التنظيم الأشرس في الهجمات عليهم. ولا شك أن الظواهري سيتذكر في هذا السياق ما قاله في رسالته للزرقاوي: "وأكرر التحذير من الانفصال عن الجماهير أيما تحذير."

وإذا انطبق هذا التحذير على العراق، فإن "الانفصال عن الجماهير" أوضح في الحالة اللبنانية بتعقيداتها الطائفية والسياسية.

لكن يبدو أن فتح الإسلام اتكلت على استمرار هذه السياسة الطربوشية، أي ارتداء طربوش القاعدة كطريق أقصر إلى إشاعة الخوف وتشتيت الحسابات، وموافقة القاعدة على توزيع طرابيشها لمن هب ودب من الجماعات في سبيل الحصول على وريث يبقي اسمها حيا، وأرادت أن تكرر ما فعله الزرقاوي في العراق.

وفي غياب تعليق رسمي من القاعدة حتى الآن، يعتقد إسلاميون في لبنان وخارجه أن القاعدة نفسها تنبهت للفخ هذه المرة.

وأي متابع لفكر القاعدة لا يشك لحظة في أنها تسعى إلى توسيع قاعدة الحرب المقدسة. لكنها، في الحالة العراقية، تضع ذلك في سياق يجعل فيه الظواهري "مد الموجة الجهادية إلى ما جاور العراق من دول علمانية" مرحلة ثالثة، تأتي بعد "إخراج الأمريكان من العراق" و"إقامة سلطة أو إمارة إسلامية... على أكبر جزء ... من العراق."

ولبنان، كما سورية والأراضي الفلسطينية، مؤهلة جغرافيا للمرحلة الرابعة من نظرة الزرقاوي وهي "المواجهة مع إسرائيل". ولعله بادر إلى تأييد حركة حماس في سيطرتها على غزة من هذا الباب، على أساس أن المواجهة مع إسرائيل هناك أمر واقع يتجاوز المراحل السابقة، على خلاف ما أشيع عن محاولة فتح الإسلام، من الآن، إقامة إمارة إسلامية في جزء من شمال لبنان بينه وبين إسرائيل عوائق سياسية وديموجرافية.

ولا يعني ذلك أن فكرة المواجهة مع إسرائيل عن طريق لبنان كانت غائبة عن أصوليين سنة عاشوا فيه. الفارق هنا أن الفكرة كانت حاضرة ولكن من باب يختلف عن إقامة إمارة إسلامية أولا. فأبو عائشة مثلا – رغم أنه لم يلتحق بتنظيم القاعدة الذي أعلن عن نفسه قبل سنة واحدة من مقتله في أحداث الضنية – كان يفكر في خلق مقاومة سنية على غرار حزب الله في إقليم العرقوب "شبعا وكفار شوبا وبلدات أخرى، حوالي سبعة، التي كانت تسمى من قبل فتح لاند وقت المقاومة الفلسطينية." هكذا أخبرني رجل كان معه في جرود الضنية. بل وأجريت اتصالات لجس النبض مع مسؤول حزب الله في الشمال وقتها لكن الرد عليها لم يصل. وحين استعجبت من ظنهم بإمكانية ذلك سياسيا أخبرني رفيق أبي عائشة بأن الأمر لم يكن يعدو في ذلك الحين أكثر من حماسة افتقدت - حتى في نظر أناس كانوا جزءا من تلك المجموعة – أي قراءة سياسية، حيث اعتقدوا أن المقاومة فعل منزه وتضحية محض سيرحب بها الجميع، دون النظر إلى الاعتبارات اللوجستية للموضوع وبعدها السياسي في ميزان الداخل اللبناني والخارج الإقليمي.

وبالعودة إلى خيار إقامة "إمارة إسلامية" في لبنان، يذهب بعض الإسلاميين السنة إلى الإقرار صراحة باستحالة الخيار الجهادي المحلي. إيهاب البنا، أحد موقوفي الضنية الذين أفرج عنهم بمقتضى قانون العفو، يعيد ذلك إلى التعدد الطائفي اللبناني. وهو يقول إن إسقاط مسار الحركات الإسلامية المصرية أو الجزائرية على الحالة اللبنانية هو خطأ يقع فيه كثيرون. كانت هناك بالطبع فكرة لإقامة إمارة إسلامية في طرابلس، لكن في ظروف أمنية وسياسية مختلفة تماما. وبعد فشلها الذريع، تحولت إلى دليل على الاستحالة.

ويبدو أن ما أشير إليه هنا من استحالة الفكرة الجهادية في الداخل اللبناني، هو ما أرهق الخطاب الإعلامي لفتح الإسلام، التجمع الشمالي البعيد جغرافيا عن اللفظة السحرية لجذب المجاهدين والجمهور إلى السلاح والبارود – إسرائيل.

فتح الإسلام في هذا المأزق استخدمت لغتين مختلفتين في رسالتين بثتهما حين بدأت المواجهة. الأولى كانت تستدعي خطابا فلسطينيا شبيها بخطاب النضال اليساري أيام الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية، يركز على أوضاع الفلسطينيين المعيشية ومنعهم من العمل في قطاعات معينة داخل لبنان. وهو خطاب مختلف عن خطاب الإسلام الأصولي، حتى وإن استخدمه في بعض الأحيان.

أما الرسالة الثانية فاستدعت تهديد زعماء طوائف أخرى في لبنان وادعت الدفاع عن أهل السنة فيه، في إسقاط ساذج للنموذج العراقي، لم يذهب أبعد من استدراج الرئيس أمين الجميل إلى التلويح بحركة مسيحية في حال استهدف المسيحيون، تناقضا حتى مع ما تقول قوى الرابع عشر من أذار التي ينتمي إليها أنه خيارها – الدولة التي تدافع هي وحدها عن أمنها وسلامة أبنائها.

ورغم ذلك فإن القاعدة، وبعد أكثر من شهر على بدء المواجهات في نهر البارد، لم ترسل إلى الجماعة الجديدة طربوشا ترتديه. حتى حين قال الدكتور فتحي يكن بعد محاولة التفاوض مع مسلحي فتح الإسلام إن الموضوع صار في يدي التنظيم الدولي للقاعدة، لم يستطع أن يقدم، ولا قدم مسار الأحداث، على ذلك دليلا واحدا.

الآن ننتقل إلى نقطة أخرى.

إذا صح الافتراض أن فتح الإسلام لا ترتبط بالقاعدة، ولا حتى تحصل على بركتها فأي نوع من الإسلاميين مسلحو فتح الإسلام؟

يقول رفيق أبي عائشة إن الأرجح أن تنظيم فتح الإسلام هو خليط من إسلاميين ألقي القبض عليهم أثناء عودتهم من العراق ثم خيروا في سورية بين السجن أو الإعادة إلى بلدانهم أو الذهاب إلى لبنان، فاختاروا أسوأ الشرور، "اعتقادا منهم بأنهم يخدعون سورية – يذهبون إلى لبنان ويعملون بأجندتهم الخاصة."

وليس على ذلك دليل معروف إعلاميا، هناك اتهامات من جهات لبنانية لسورية تنفيها دمشق.

ويسترجع رفيق أبو عائشة أن كثيرا ممن كانوا في أحداث الضنية جربوا السجون السورية التي دخلوها بعد المواجهات بين السوريين وحركة التوحيد في طرابلس في الثمانينيات: "عبد الله هزيم، عبد الحكيم الجزار، محمد اليوسف، طلال الكيلاناكي"، وأن هذه التجربة جعلتهم يستبعدون خيار الاستسلام وقتها خوفا من تسليمهم للقوات السورية التي كانت لا تزال موجودة في لبنان.

بالنسبة لفتح الإسلام، يعتبر أن الموضوع ليس بهذه البساطة، والأصح الافتراض أن هناك خليطا يجمعه السلاح ولا يجمعه الانضباط التنظيمي. بمعنى أن تصرفات بعض عناصر من المجموعة تلزم الآخرين في تحمل المسؤولية حتى وإن كانوا معترضين على تلك التصرفات بداية، على اعتبار أن المسألة بالنسبة لهم مسألة حياة أو موت، ولا خيار متاحا لهم.

ولعله من اللافت هنا أن شاكر العبسي (وهو فلسطيني أردني محكوم بالإعدام في الأردن وألقي القبض عليه في سورية حيث سجن لمدة سنتين قبل أن يظهر مرة أخرى في لبنان) كان القائد الأبرز لجماعة فتح الإسلام لدرجة أن بعض وسائل الإعلام اللبنانية سمت الجماعة "عصابة شاكر العبسي"، لكنه اختفى عن الواجهة بصورة تامة بعد أيام من القتال، وحل محله شخص لم يكن معروفا سابقا، ولا هناك خريطة واضحة لمساره الحركي، شاهين شاهين (شاهين الشامي حسب روايات). وبعد ظنون بأن سبب الاختفاء ربما يكون مقتل العبسي أو إصابته إصابة أقعدته أفاد الطبيب الذي كان يعالج مصابي فتح الإسلام أن تلك الظنون ليس لها من الحقيقة مكان.

وأحد التفسيرات المتداولة الآن هو أن سبب اختفاء العبسي ربما يكون إعادة هيكلة تنظيمية لصالح فصيل، أو رغبه في إبراز أشخاص لا تربطهم مساراتهم الحركية بجهة ما.

وهذه المسارات الحركية لمن يلقى عليه القبض من مسلحي فتح الإسلام أو المعروفين من قتلاها ستكون، حين الكشف عنها، الدليل الظني الأوضح عن طبيعة التنظيم والجهات التي سهلت عمله: هل كان لبنان محطة في طريق العراق – ذهابا أو عودة؟ أم أنه هدف في حد ذاته في إعادة توزيع منظم لخزان بشري من "المتحمسين"؟

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The Forgiveness Project | stories | Khaled al-Berry

The Forgiveness Project stories Khaled al-Berry

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تحالف النص والاستبداد
لا دنيا ولا جنة
خالد البري:

أفضل ما يمكن أن يحدث لكاتب في العالم العربي هو أن يمنع كتاب له. يصير بين عشية وضحاها مشهورا. على الأقل يسمع الناس بكتابه ويريد فئة لا بأس بها منهم أن يقرأوه. على سبيل المثال كتابي "الدنيا أجمل من الجنة" صار الآن يباع في طبعات غير قانونية على سور الأزبكية.

هذا وضع مزر. أن تتحول الكتب إلى قضايا في صفحة الحوادث.

منعت من قبل كتب لكتاب يستحقون، بسبب أفكارهم الأصلية غير المسبوقة، أن يكونوا مثارا للجدل. كتبهم كانت جديرة بأن تمثل ثورة فكرية: في الشعر الجاهلي للعظيم طه حسين، وأولاد حارتنا للعظيم نجيب محفوظ، هما مثالان. لكن الكتاب الذي كتبته ونشرته دار النهار عام 2001 لا ينتمي إلى هذه الفئة من الكتب. هو مجرد كتيب أصدرته النهار محقة في سياق مجموعة من الكتب يطلق عليها "شهادات". هو ليس أكثر من شهادة كتبت بأسلوب صحفي يلامس الروائي على استحياء ووجل وتردد من حين إلى آخر.

فلماذا منع؟ ولماذا لم يفكر مانعوه أنهم بمنعه يضعونه في مكانة هو غير جدير بها؟

مجلة روزا اليوسف المصرية نشرت لي حوارا، عنونته بتساؤل مني "حد يفهمني الفرق بين الشيوخ – الذين منعوا الكتاب – وبين المتطرفين؟" هذا تساؤل لم يصدر عني، وضعته المجلة على لساني. أولا، لا أسمي طائفة من الناس المتطرفين لأنني لا أنصب نفسي حكما على فكر أحد. ربما أسمي البعض قتلة لأنهم يفعلون القتل، أو مستبدين لأنهم يفعلون الاستبداد، لكنني لا أحب كلمة متطرفين إذ لا أفهمها. وثانيا لأنها تشمل كثيرين لو كانت كما أفهمها. في كل الأحوال هذه قصة ثانوية. والأهم منها أنني لم أطرح هذا التساؤل لأنني أعرف الفرق بين الشيوخ وبين الجماعات الإسلامية.

الجماعة الإسلامية التي كتبت عن تجربتي معها، وما عاصرها من جماعات، هي كيان موجود، معروف، متسق مع ذاته، يفعل ويتحمل نتيجة أفعاله،كما أنه يضحي من أجل أفكاره التي أختلف معها تماما. لكن الشيوخ الذين لا نسمع عنهم إلا في ذيل تقرير يمنع كتابا شيء آخر. هؤلاء يكتسبون باسم الدين، المنع والفتاوى هي وسيلتهم لكسب لقمة العيش، جزء من وظيفتهم ودورهم في المجتمع. وعلى ذلك، لو أصدروا يوما فتوى تغضب من يدفع رواتبهم فسوف يفقدون هذه الرواتب أو يفقدون المنصب. والأمثلة على ذلك كثيرة. هل يستطيعون مثلا أن يغلقوا مصرفا يتعامل بالربا؟ حاشا لله. هل يستطيعون أن يصدروا فتوى ضد ما ما يعرضه جهاز إعلام الدولة؟ أعوذ بالله. هل يستطيعون أن يصدروا فتوى ضد تزوير إرادة الناخبين؟ يا قوة الله. هل يستطيعون أن يصدرو فتوى ضد سياسة يقف وراءها مجلس الأمومة والطفولة الذي ترأسه حرم رئيس الجمهورية؟ ....ببساطة، الجماعات الإسلامية هي واحدة فقط من خطاياكم، هي مولود لتحالف النص والاستبداد.

لماذا منعوا الكتاب؟ أنا أحكي عن تجربتي الشخصية. إن كنت أسأت رسم صورة لأحد في هذا الكتاب فهي صورتي أنا. حتى الأشخاص الذين تحدثت عنهم من الجماعة ذكرتهم بأحسن صفاتهم، والشخصان الوحيدان اللذان كشفت عن أسرارهما هما شخصان نبذتهما الجماعة نفسها، ورغم ذلك لم أذكر اسم أي منهما. وكتبت عنهما بلا إدانة. ألبست في كتابي الأفكار التي تستمدها الجماعة من الدين شخصا هو أنا، جعلته يمشي بين الناس ويتصرف بالأنا الجديدة التي تكونت نتيجة هذه الأفكار. جعلته يصل إلى أعلى درجات الغضب لله فيطلق طلقة "من بندقية صيد" على كرة تلعب بها جاراته. وجعلته يلتزم بصلاة الفجر ويدور على أصحابه ليوقظهم لها. وجعلته يعرض حياته للخطر مع الفارين من ملاحقة الأمن لكي تستمر الدعوة الإسلامية حية في أسيوط. جعلته يضعف أمام جسده فيتلصص على بنات الجيران لكي يتعرف – وهو في سنين مراهقته – على ما خفي عنه. وجعلته – بفضل الجماعة – يتخلص من خجله ويقف بين الناس خطيبا. رسمت صورة إنسان حقيقي من لحم ودم يمشي على رجلين.

فلماذا منعوا الكتاب؟

سخرت فيه من الشيخ الموظف الذي يأتي إلى مدرستنا ليعلمنا "الإسلام الصحيح"، فنستدرجه إلى ساحتنا. ينطبق عليه المثل المصري المبدع "جاي يبيع المية في حارة السقايين". حين يستشهد لنا بآية قرآنية نستشهد له بعشرة. وحين يذكر حديثا نبويا نخرِّجه له (نصنفه صحيحا أو ضعيفا أو مردودا). نجهز له كتب الأئمة "الثقاة" الذين يتباهى بهم علينا المشايخ ونفاجئه أننا – نحن أبناء الخامسة عشرة – نعرف مواضع الفتوى أفضل منه. والرسالة بسيطة كما ذكرتها في الكتاب، أن الإمام علي قال لأبو موسى الأشعري حين ذهب للتحكيم أمام عمرو بن العاص: "لا تجادلهم بالقرآن فإنه حمال أوجه". فالدين، أي دين، يفسر على مليون وجه ووجه. والنص، أي نص، هو وصفة لا تخطئ لغرق العقل وضياع أهم صفة لبقاء الحضارة، التجريب والبحث عن الجديد.

وتحدثت بلا مبالغة، مقتصرا على ما رأيته فقط، عن التعذيب في السجون، السيمة في وجه النظام المصري. وعن دولة اللاقانون التي تسمح بإجراء تحقيق مع الطلاب، على يد محام تابع للجامعة، في مركز غير قانوني للاعتقال، وهم جاثون على ركبهم ومشبكون أيديهم خلف رؤوسهم. أشرت بلا تنظير إلى طبقة ضاعت في المتاهة المصرية، طبقة المتعلمين وأبنائهم، الذين لا يجدون دورا في جمهورية التوريث على كل المستويات.

لم أسمح لأحد أن يهلل للكتاب ويستخدمه دليل إدانة ضد أبناء الجماعات الإسلامية فقط، لأن الإدانة للنظام السياسي تسير معها متشابكة الأيدي.

أكيد لن يسمحوا للكتاب بالتداول. والحجة دائما جاهزة: الكاتب يتحدث عن مشاهدة فيلم جنسي وعن شرب الخمر. وكأن أبطال السينما في مصر، الذين يتطوعون بالترويج لتوريث الحكم، لا يشربون خمرا في أفلامهم، ولا يمثلون مشاهد جنسية مع نساء "لا تحل لهم". ها ها.

كنت في الرابعة عشرة من عمري حين التحقت بالجماعة الإسلامية. وحين اعتقلت كنت في التاسعة عشرة منه. أول شيء قاله لي محقق أمن الدولة: "ده انت لسه عيل يالا". نعم في سنوات الجماعة كنت لا أزال ولدا أعيش حياة بسيطة – دنيا – في مدرستي ومع أصحابي. ألعب الكرة، وأذاكر، وأشتري أشرطة الأغاني، وأعلق زينة في رمضان. لكنني التحقت بعالم الكبار. وهؤلاء الكبار كانوا فريقين يتصارعان بخطاب سماوي آت من الجنة (الجماعة من جهة والنظام ممثلا في الشيوخ الموظفين من جهة أخرى) وحين خرجت من المعتقل أحسست أن "الدنيا أجمل من الجنة". فعدت لعاداتي البسيطة.

مانع الكتاب يقول إن عنوان الكتاب يصرح بأن "الدنيا أفضل من الآخرة". لا ألومه. فعقله النصي لا يستطيع تجاوز النص. الجنة بالنسبة له هي الآخرة، وأجمل بالنسبة له تعني أفضل. ولكي تؤتي رسالته أثرها في العوام يفسر لهم المعنى من عنده، بتعبيره الديني المجرد. ربما لو ترك لهم العنوان دون تفسير سيشغل أحدهم عقله ويأتي بمعنى مختلف. وهو، ومن يوظفه، لا يحبون المختلفين.

لا ألومه. فعقله النصي لا يعرف المجاز. والحضارات حين تتدهور لا تفهم المجاز. لأن المجاز يعني الخيال. يعني الكلمات التي تحمل من المعاني ما يتجاوزها. وهي مهمة عقلية شاقة، فهما أو إبداعا. كما أنها مهمة محفوفة بالمخاطر لأن المجاز ينحو إلى التجديد، وإلى تحمل مسؤولية المعنى والتنازل عن أمان النص. والمجاز معناه التنوع، واستحضار الخبرات الإنسانية، وإيمان صاحب المجاز بذاته كفرد قادر على الإضافة. وكلها أشياء لا يحبها تحالف النص والاستبداد.

من مل من الكلام الفارغ الذي ذكرته عاليا فله مطلق الحق،في أن يطوي الصحيفة الآن وينتقل إلى صفحات أقل مللا. لا أريد أن أثنيكم عن القراءة بقولي إنني سأبدأ هذا المقال من جديد ومن زاوية مختلفة.

ما هو الكتاب الذي أرادوه؟ هو كتاب يقول إنني عشت مع "المتطرفين" فاكتشفت أنهم على خطأ. ثم اكتشفت أن "الإسلام الصحيح" هو غير ذلك فعدت إليه. وشكرا للنظام الأمني الذي يصفه أعداؤه بالمستبد لأنه أعانني. بمعنى آخر كتاب يشبه تليفزيون الدولة الرسمي. الذي يقطع رقص وغناء النسوان بصوت الأذان. الذي يذيع مقاطع من كلمات السيد الرئيس. الذي يذيع نشرة أخبار كلها، في شقها المحلى، بشارات جميلة بمصانع مفتتحة أو استقبالات لساسة مهمين أو مشاريع منجزة. ثم يأتي الشق الدولي فنرى أن الدول الأخرى غير مستقرة، فيها حروب وبراكين وأعاصير. وفي السهرة فيلم كوميدي أو مسرحية فيها عصارة خفة الدم المصرية. ولا يسع المرء حين يغلق التليفزيون لينام إلا أن يقول: الحمد لله على اللي إحنا فيه.

وأنا لن أقول ذلك.

لأنكم يا سادة تعيشون في وهم وتريدون منا أن نعيش فيه. لأنكم يا سادة قسمتم الدنيا والآخرة، فأخذ النظام الأمني منا الدنيا وأخذتم منا الآخرة. وتقاسمتم فرق العملة. تقولون يا سادة إن الحضارة الإسلامية عظيمة. وأنا أقول إنها كذلك، لكننا نتحدث عن شيئين مختلفين.

الحضارة الإسلامية التي تتنطعون بها لم تكن حضارة الحفاظ. على العكس، كانت حضارة العلمانيين ولكن بمسميات أخرى لأن العلمانية كمصطلح لم تكن موجودة يومها. الخليفة المأمون الذي وصلت الحضارة الإسلامية في عهده إلى أوجها كان من المعتزلة. هل تنكرون ذلك؟ الخليفة المعتصم الذي تقولون لنا إن امرأة صرخت "وا معتصماه" فسير لها جيوشا تحارب الروم كان يقول بخلق القرآن، أي أنه كان بالنسبة لكم هرطيقا. هل تنكرون ذلك؟ أعظم شخصيات الثقافة الإسلامية بالمعنى الحضاري للكلمة هم ابن سينا والفارابي وابن رشد. وكلهم في عرفكم هراطقة. هل تنكرون ذلك؟

لن تجرؤوا على نكران ذلك، لكنكم بانتهازية محض تستخدمون أسماءهم لكي تروجوا لسلعة مختلفة. سلعة تحجر على الفكر وتلتزم النص وتعد الفقراء بجنة يدخلونها قبل الأغنياء بخمسمئة عام. تقولون لهم إن خليفة لم يذكر له التاريخ إنجازا ضخما كعمر بن عبد العزيز كانت حبة القمح في عهده في حجم التمرة. لكن أين هذه التمرة؟ في أي متحف؟ لا أحد يعلم. مجرد هيكل موجود في عقولكم فقط وتشغلون المساكين بالبحث عنه.

الهراطقة الذين ذكرت أسماءهم هم حضارة الإسلام، التي كانت تستوزر اليهود والنصارى، وتنقل كتب فلاسفة اليونان، وتعمر الأندلس، وتغني موشحاته، وتنقل الشعر على يد المتنبي وأبو العلاء وأبو نواس. فأين منها أنتم؟ وأين منها الوهم الذي تعمدوننا فيه؟ ألم تسألوا أنفسكم كيف وصلتنا هذه الكتب؟ لماذا لم تمنع؟ ألم يقرأ واحد منكم كتاب الأغاني لأبي الفرج الأصفهاني ويتساءل كيف اجتاز مقص الرقيب؟ إنكم يا سادة تدرسوننا تاريخا مزيفا، وتمنعوننا من تقديم رواية أخرى. والنتيجة أن حضارتنا العظيمة صارت مرادفة لتفجير البسطاء واغتيال المختلفين.

صدقوني، لم يكن عندي شك في أن كتابي سيمنع في مصر بمجرد أن يطبع فيها. ليس لأنه كتاب جيد، بل لمجرد أنه مختلف ويدعو إلى أن يكون الفرد مختلفا. والمفارقة أن هذا حدث وقد أعدت كتابته بضعف حجمه الأول لكي أقول فيه ما كنت مترددا في قوله قبل ثماني سنوات. بقدر أقل من التردد والإحجام، لأنه لم يعد لدينا ما نخسره. لا دنيا أجمل ولا آخرة بسلام. شكرا أنكم منعتوه، فسوف يصير أكثر انتشارا.

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